One of the UK’s oldest pastimes is in danger of becoming extinct. Pigeon racing is an important part of the country’s heritage and pigeon fanciers across the world are coming together to protect the pastime.
Attacks on racing pigeons from raptors such as Sparrowhawk and Peregrine Falcon are occurring frequently across the country leaving UK pigeon fanciers devastated. These attacks often result in fatal wounds or death. Many of these raptors have a protected status however pigeon fanciers are unable to protect their own lofts from the predators.
Raptor Alliance is bringing together pigeon fanciers from across the world to help protect these treasured birds. In order to do so Raptor Alliance is lobbying for a change in the law that will allow pigeon fanciers in the UK to protect their racing pigeons from these devastating attacks. The Law Commission has recommended that a revision of the 1981 Wildlife Act will enable pigeon fanciers to make license applications to relocate problem raptors. The revision of this act includes all of the Raptor Alliance’s recommendations however for this to succeed Raptor Alliance need as much support as possible.
Pigeon fanciers do not want their pigeons or the predators to be injured during this process therefore they are campaigning that these predators are moved to a different location away from areas that pigeon fancier’s lofts are located.
Raptor Alliance need as many signatures on the petition as possible to protect their racing pigeons, the country’s heritage and the raptors themselves. Please sign here.